۱۳۸۷ بهمن ۲۶, شنبه

نرم افزار تبدیل اینچ به سانتی متر

package Intocm;

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*; // Needed for ActionListener

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Intocm

class Intocm extends JFrame {
//==================================== constants

private static final double CM = 2.54; //Note 1

//===================== instance variables
private JTextField inch = new JTextField(7); //Note 2

private JTextField cm = new JTextField(7);

//============================= constructor
public Intocm() { //Note 3
// 1... Create/initialize components

JButton convertBtn = new JButton("Convert");

convertBtn.addActionListener(new ConvertBtnListener());

cm.addActionListener(new ConvertBtnListener());

// 2... Create content panel, set layout
JPanel content = new JPanel();
content.setLayout(new FlowLayout());

// 3... Add the components to the content panel.
content.add(new JLabel("inch:"));
content.add(cm); // Add input field

content.add(convertBtn); // Add button

content.add(new JLabel("cm:"));
content.add(inch); // Add output field

// 4... Set this window's attributes, and pack it.
pack(); // Layout components.

setTitle("In to Cm");
setSize(400, 100);
setLocationRelativeTo(null); // Center window.


////////////////////////////////////////////////// ConvertBtnListener
class ConvertBtnListener implements ActionListener { //Note 6

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
//... Get the value from the dog years textfield.
String cmStr = cm.getText();
//int cmInt = Integer.parseInt(cmStr);

double cmd = Double.parseDouble(cmStr);

double inchValue = cmd * CM; //Note 9

//... Convert to string and set human yrs textfield
inch.setText("" + inchValue);


//=============================== method main
public static void main(String[] args) {
Intocm window = new Intocm();

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